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"I consider myself a more confident medical student and person after taking Mr. Lewis’ advice, and now approach my fears as a challenge and opportunity to succeed!"


Being able to use negative energy to create a positive outcome and benefit your life is a gift worth exploring. Let J. Lewis III show you how to unlock the gift inside you and use it to power you toward a better version of yourself. J. Lewis III wants to motivate you to live a life beyond hardship and grief. 

Silhouettes of a group of people jumping for joy.

My story

J Lewis III photo
J. Lewis III

Self-empowerment is crucial to creating a better version of yourself. I had to learn the benefits of my past challenges. Instead of allowing them to hold me down further, I repurposed them and transformed their energy to use it to my advantage. The power to become a better version of yourself comes through recognizing the challenges you have faced and understanding that you have overcome them. There is a gift in the grief we endure.

Instead of seeing a “why did this happen” approach, I prefer to see the lessons in each circumstance and use them as catalysts for growth versus impediments to progress. Instead of allowing negative thinking to become an anchor for stagnation, a shift in perspective can allow it to become a pillar for progress.

Repurposing challenges allows us to transform grief into fuel and use it to move forward. People need to see the opportunities hidden in their challenges. The things that happen to us along our journey through life can be our fuel when we change our perspective.

It does take making hard decisions, reflecting on the past, and taking responsibility for action. Doing so ultimately becomes the pathway to freedom and a better version of ourselves. Grief empowerment comes from turning your grief into your gift.

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